TYPO3 Hosting: What you should consider when choosing a provider

typo 3 hosting

Any person visiting your website might be your next client. This means that you should by all means present yourself resp. your company in the most favourable light possible. But how do you go about it? Which tools do you apply? TYPO3 is a state-of-the art Content Management System (CMS) which fulfills all the necessary requirements you might have regarding a modern website. Everything you have to know about TYPO3 Hosting will be explained to you in this article. .

The right choice of a web host for your TYPO3 website

TYPO3 is uploaded on a web server. It is installed on your website through the use of a web browser.
Over the past years, almost all web hosts have boosted their systems, so that the websites can be worked using TYPO3 among others. Along with the storage space it is especially the connection with an SQL-data base and the main memory that are essential. In addition, the PHP-version to be used counts and whether it can be adapted by you. This is done by means of you accessing the respective parameter file.
In the case of big dimensional hosts you will share a web server with hundreds of other clients. If your internet presentation is only minor, this does not pose a problem. As soon as you add photos and videos, though, and maybe a contact sheet and a newsletter your website will slow down considerably. So, you should better check in advance how many domains are administered by one server.

The central role of the web performance is played by the RAM. The minimum figure for TYPO3 lies at 8 MB. Yet, this capacity does not net you with very much. The web hosts have come to realize this, too, so thy are now offering 64 MB or more as the standard version. However, especially in the case of major TYPO3 projects 256 MB or even 512 MB will be required.

Also, make sure that the security aspect is dealt with adequately. What happens in case your host server breaks down? Does the host provide a backup on a regular base, or do you have to deal with this yourself?

Which webspace package is needed for your TYPO3 Hosting?

A lot of webspace is required when you use TYPO3. Apart from the program data you have to consider the space needed for videos, photos and documents, too. These easily add up to a high number of gigabytes.
A good host knows his client´s problems. He should provide a phone support available on week-ends, too since the week-ends are typical “update and safety measure times”.

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Here is a checklist that might be useful if you are looking for the right web host:

How much storage space is provided?

  • How much storage capacity is provided per domain?
  • Is an SQL data base supported, too?
  • Does the host initiate back-ups?
  • Which PHP version is used?
  • Are you able to adopt major parameter files such as .htaccess und php.ini, yourself?
  • Are you able to build SQL data bases yourself?

When dealing with the topic of typo 3 hosting you should take this into consideration: TYPO3 as such is very stable and is considered a high-quality application. But this is true only if the surroundings comply with the respective claims connected with the application.

TYPO3 hosting can be applied by veryhost.com in all kinds of web hosting packages. All you have to do is install it by using the easy to use 1-Click Installer. It is ready in no time and can be upgraded if need be anytime. Now you have received a good overview of TYPO3 hosting – put it to practice and profit from its benefits.